PTI Psychotherapists Training Insitute
Ace your NCMHCE License Exam with PTI’s ExamGuide, ExamAce™, and ExamPrep.
ExamAce™ is currently being renovated
It will have a whole new look and navigation to more closely match the new NCMHCE test.
NCMHCE Study Guide
ExamMaster© is your NCMHCE personal trainer!
Do any of these describe you? (Check all that apply.)
You know you need to study but you don't make the time
You feel overwhelmed by the amount of materials to study
You feel anxious and are having trouble focusing
Your ExamMaster© can help you:
Study areas that need strengthening
Strategies for working with key information
Specific strategies and techniques for approaching the clinical case simulations
Focus and stay on track:
Develop and maintain an effective study schedule
Understand and use your own learning style
Build Confidence
Additional Personal Support Options
When you need personal attention and individual support,
Call us at: 1-508-381-0713
for a Complimentary Phone or On-line Informational Interview