PTI Psychotherapists Training Insitute

Ace your NCMHCE License Exam with PTI’s ExamGuide, ExamAce™, and ExamPrep.

ExamAce™ is currently being renovated
It will have a whole new look and navigation to more closely match the new NCMHCE test.

Clinical Mental Health Counselor Handbook & Study Guide, 4th Edition

Fully Updated for DSM-5

The premier study program with an outstanding track record since 1995, Preparing you for the NCMHC exam!

  • Handbook & Study Guide
  • ExamAce (Sample On-line Exams)
  • Ten Steps to Diagnosis
  • Key Words
  • Test-taking Skill Development
  • Flash Cards
  • Crosswords

PTI’s Popular Feature! ExamAce

An online companion to the ONLY study materials with a proven track record since 1995.

Stop worrying about what the NCMHCE is really like. Take a sample exam that replicates or resembles the NCMHCE experience.
Online Practice Sample Clinical Cases for the NCMHCE
  • Truly replicates NCMHCE clinical approaches and style of questions
  • Authentic in design and structure
  • Accurately reproduces NCMHCE “look and feel”

Try it now for FREE!

Read our FREE 6 tips for reducing exam stress.